The "Cause & Affect" Triple Fronts are a pair of Carhartt Double Fronts with 2 photographs printed on canvas appliquéd & sewn to the knees, giving it the Triple Fronts monicker. The right leg features a photo of XX-27 Charlie, a 14 kiloton nuclear bomb dropped on Yucca Flats for a nuclear weapons test. The left leg features a photo from the Hiroshma Dai-1 Army Hospital of a woman covered in burns caused by the bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945. The burns correspond to the dark portions of a kimono worn at the time of the explosion.
"Cause & Affect" speaks about the beauty of weaponry. The photo on the right leg is absolutely beautiful. The photo on the left leg on the other hand, while also beautiful aesthetically, is horrific & is the effect of the weaponry used in tests like XX-27 Charlie.

A collaborative effort between Lincoln Thomas & I, the "Cause Dissected" Jeans are the second installment in the "Cause & Effect" series. These are a pair of Levi's jeans again with printed canvas appliquéd & sewn to them. Rather than using 2 different photographs, these opt for 2 of the same photo of the XX-27 Charlie nuclear weapons test and the description of the photograph on the inside of the right leg.
Too often in work like this people use photographs of nuclear explosions, fires, destruction, etc. that deeply affected or ended people's lives. I find this to be distasteful & ignorant. We intentionally chose a photo of a weapons test to ensure we didn't use a photograph of people being harmed or killed then sewn the description to the leg so that people would know what was featured on the pants. Here is physical proof that with a little research this ignorance can be easily avoided without sacrificing aesthetic.

basketball's Racing Accessories "Swimming Hazard" Sweatsuit for Tennis was made for the basketball Magazine pre-pre-party/kickoff event. The suit features a graphic that reads "BASKETBALLS racing accessories" in the same font used on the Lancia Stratos HF Zero. I wanted to make something that resembled F1 Racing merchandise.
The suit was sold exclusively at the basketball Magazine pre-pre-party/kickoff event on June 20th, 2018. basketball Magazine is not a basketball magazine.

Whorror (The Movie)'s "She's Killing Me" L/S tee uses imagery from Fritz Lang's Metropolis to tell a true story of heartbreak. Without getting into too much detail, it was one of those "open-relationship-I-thought-she-liked-me-turns-out-she-didn't" sort of scenarios. The back shows scenes of the protagonists love interests stripping to a crowd of men as they begin to riot and literally fight over her. In the meantime the protagonist, who thought his love interest to be innocent, kind and infatuated with him, sees what she's up to and begins to literally die because of it.

In Metropolis, the protagonist is killed by his love interest. The accompanying photoshoot tells a similar story, but goes beyond. It begins with a man being murdered by the woman he loves. Then you see this woman contemplate what she had done and enter a dream state where she sees her lover. She apologizes, he accepts and they make up. (The shower scene is in place of a "make up sex" scene.)
During the photoshoot, I used studio lights, sheets, fake blood and a projector to project horror movies and pay homage to Whorror (the Movie)'s inspirations.