The basketball Magazine Pre-Pre-Party Video was made for the kick-off party for basketball Magazine, a magazine I own, run, curate and edit. The party was to kick off the 6-month process of creating the first magazine so, because we didn't have an actual magazine to show everyone, this video was made as a prelude to what the magazine itself would be like once the first issue was published.
It includes interviews/"day in the life" of amateur skater Andrew Ferguson and amateur boxer on the U.S. Olympic team, Salaam Gonzales.
I filmed and edited the video advert for Jimmy Luna's "HOME," an album set to release November 2018. This video is a great example of how I've used Adobe Premiere to do more than just simple editing. Making this, I had to use masks for the first time to make it appear as if there were 3 of Jimmy in the room, as you can see in the video.
Wildflower is a song by Prism Tribe, a musical collective I've found myself to be a part of. I shot the music video myself at a party/in my car/at home entirely on my iPhone 7.
The song is all about taking a chance as a musician hoping to "make it." The video on the other hand talks about taking a chance romantically. At the time, a very close friend of mine began to pursue and eventually fall in love with this boy, but he remained distant for a number of reasons I'd rather not get into. The night I took the video, she found out he felt the same way and then immediately heard he was moving back home, out of the state. In the video, you see them talking, laughing, hugging each other, etc. juxtaposed with footage from the mosh-pit at the party, moments of happiness, my dog, and me playing with a sword, among other things. But at the end of the video, you see her smoking a cigarette as she cries over him.*
*I was later asked to omit the sound of her crying out of respect for her
Working as the Multimedia Editor for the Metropolitan, the school newspaper at Metropolitan State University, I was asked to do a project on gentrification in Denver. The paper sent me to Josie's Pawn Shop, a local pawn shop, during their Christmas party.
The holiday season is a very hard season for many families. Josie, the owner of the pawn shop, throws this party every year for some of these families around Colorado. She hires a band, face painters, a Santa Claus and cooks mountains of food for anyone to come and enjoy for free to celebrate the holidays.
Working on the project, I began to realize people simply don't understand the effects of gentrification, much less the affect it has on families. So, making the video I wanted to not only show the actual families at the party but focus on the sense of family throughout a community affected by gentrification.